Online study course about Wicca

This blog discusses aspects of the Master of Wiccan Studies course offered through the ULC Seminary.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Lesson 1

I was thrilled to receive my first lesson.  Most of the information is info I have studied before, but was refreshing to read it again.  I have read all of Jean Auel's books and re-read them every year or two.  I feel very close to the Goddess when I read these books.  Thank you for all the information that you include in the lessons.  I have tried other schools but have felt lost and left out.  I feel this is a course that will keep the good lessons and information coming!  

Thank you once again.  I hope as I go through these lessons I will be able to write more concise and interesting blogs.


Monday, August 26, 2013

Lesson 24-LBRP

Good Evening--
This has been a wonderful class.  Thank you so much for putting these lessons together.  For those who are new to Wiccan practices, this course is a wonderful foundation to begin your path.  It is also a nice refresher for those who have been on our journey for some time.  Sometimes we forget the basics.  When performing the LBRP I always feel protected and refreshed.  I love working with the archangels and talk to them often.  Once again, thank you!
Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path

Friday, August 23, 2013

Lesson 23-Improving Your Spells

One of the first things that I learned when I started spell work was the importance of timing with spells. Timing does play an importance in the outcome of a spell and its effectiveness.  We definitely do not want to do spell work to banish a bad habit during a waxing moon as we want to get rid of it, not intensify it.  And visualizing the outcome of the spell is definitely helpful in determining when we should perform the spell and what tools we may need to achieve the outcome of our spell. 
I have attached a Domestic Meditation that I wrote for one of our Coven's New moon's.  Please feel free to use it and modify it for your use.
I have also attached a copy of a working we did during the The Moon in Aquarius.
Blessed Be,
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path

Lesson 22: Beginning Spells

I have been doing spell working for a long time now.  I just have a few comments about the lesson.
1)I do not believe it is necessary to cast a circle every time one works a spell.  If I am doing simple candle magic, I do not usually cast a spell.  I light the appropriate candle, focus the energy on the intent and send it.  Usually this would be cleansing the air, healing, encouragement, and peace. Now, if I am doing a protective working, I do.  If I am doing kitchen magic and preparing something for a sabbat or other magickal gathering, often I will put my energy into the cooking, whatever the intent of the magickal gathering would be.  Sometimes, I just think loving thoughts for those the meal is being prepared.
2)If a Circle is cast, it is not just for protection, but also as a "container" in which to build the energy for the working.  I do agree with staying within the Circle during a right as it diminishes the power of the Circle when it is opened.  If one must leave, then as you say, cut an opening and seal to protect others and contain the energy while you are gone. Then cut an opening to go back in and then seal with a protective pentagram or other magickal symbol that your path uses.
3)I like your Nightmare-Free Sleep pouch.  I created one for one of my "adopted children" who came to me with difficulties.  I created a little dream pillow and put in it lavendar and mugwort.  The lavendar to calm and the mugwort to keep those "bad/disturbing" thoughts at bay. 
4)A little on exorcisms.  I know we discuss exorcising negative energy and spirits.  But, I caution anyone who may want to try this on the living.  If you really think someone is "possessed", check with someone who is familiar with possession.  I do believe it is possible, but not likely.  If you try to exorcise someone who you believe is possessed and they are not, you could cause their death. 
5)Home and Protection Spells.  Warding you, your loved ones, and home should be done frequently.  Some say daily, some several times a week, etc. I tend to do it monthly.  If there is negative events surrounding you within or without your home, you may want to cleanse and set fresh wards more often.  Make sure to keep your home from clutter and dirt.  Negative energy seems to like to attach to dirt, dust, and clutter.  Try to get rid of the clutter.
6)Spells to ease emotional pain.  These are great as a tool to help you begin to heal.  But remember, healing does take time.  I am a Trained Victim Advocate, I am also a survivor; I am also have been trained and worked as a volunteer Drug and Alcohol Addictions Advocate.  Take your time, find support. If you find that you cannot overcome troubling issues, seek professional counsel. If you are battling something spiritual, then seek pastoral counsel.  You may need to seek both. 
I do enjoy these lessons and they are a wonderful refresher to make me think. I hope others who take these classes enjoy them as well.
Love and Light,
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path

Lesson 21-Ethics

I know we have mentioned the "An It Harm None, Do what thou Wilt" motto that so many of us use and most of us try not to do anything to affect another's will.  We also must consider that whatever we do, will affect something.  Back in 2011, I lost my job at a manufacturing facility.  I needed a job, so of course I did begin working on a spell, which the results did not happen right away.  First of all, I was very specific about what I wanted-and I did end up with the job I wanted.  But, I was also not the only person who interviewed for that position.  So, by me getting that job, someone else did not. Which may have meant that they could not feed their family.  Now that was not my intent, but I could have potentially put this family in a position in which they could not feed their children. But by me not getting this job, I would have lost my home.  So, the point is, there is always going to be a consequence and it will affect others.
Many years ago, when I was in a church, we prayed that we would have rain (a little weather magic) for our "Showers of Blessing" ladies retreat.  Guess what, it happened.  We had put the energy out there.  But it rained for days and days and days.  Why? We were not specific.  This also meant that there was a lot of area flooding.  Which flooded out some of the farm fields where we were.  Too much rain--definitely not good for growing crops. 
Another time, I worked on a Love Spell. Now, for a long time my taste in men we will say were not exactly good for me.  So, I devised a spell to find the "perfect" mate.  I did not ask to change his will and I did not ask for someone specific.  I asked for the Universe to find the person who was right for me.  To be honest, my husband now, is the man that was sent to me.  Would I have chosen him, no.  I always liked those "bad" boys.  But, my husband I have now, I wouldn't send him back. He has bettered me.  We had met when I was a teenager and I waited on him at a department store I worked at.  Then he waited on my at a couple of places he managed.  We even were married to other people who were not right for us.  But, the Gods did see fit to bring us together when we needed each the most.  So, if we ask right and it is part of our Perfect Will, Truth, Plan for this life, it will be brought to pass.
My advise for spell workings: Always be specific when working spells; think about how the results of an answered spell will affect others; divine and see if you really should work the spell.  Sometimes the spell is not in our best interest and will cause additional problems later.
Love and Light,
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lesson 19-Herbology Part II

Good Afternoon everyone!

I have been studying herbs diligently for seven years now and have been working off and on on a Master Herbalist Certification as well.  Herbs are a passion of mine and also in part how I came to Wicca.

This study has provided a very good starting point for those who are new to herbalism, but I would like to offer some other points as well.

1)Herbs and tools if you cannot find locally such as Trader Joe's, Raisin Rack, or other health food store or metaphysical shop (keep in mind that not all herbs found in metaphysical shops are food grade if this is to be used on skin or ingested), I recommend the following:

Mountain Rose Herbs: (this one is my favorite!)

Azure Green:

Oregon's Wild Harvest:

Of course growing your own is best, but not always possible.

These places also offer some of the mortal & pestles, jars, droppers, etc. that you may want to purchase.

Specialty Bottle: (I have ordered in bulk from here in the past and was happy with the quality and price of the bottles.)

My Oil Business: (This site was recommended to me from an agent that I met who sells DoTerra oils (which is an excellent essential oil quality.)

Of course, I collect bottles from other people who bring them to me and I save from my purchases.  

DO NOT use plastic bottles for your herbs as the chemicals in the plastic may leach into your herbal product.

Also, DO NOT use aluminum pots for your herbs as these can chemically react to the herbs that you are decocting or infusing.  I use a stainless steel double boiler for many of my herbals.  I also do use a cast iron pot for many of my herbals.  

If you are going to use plastic spoons, use the mylar spoons for stirring, mixing, etc.

Measuring supplies can be found at any commercial kitchen supply store.  You will be amazed at what you can find.  I have been able to purchase some unique measuring supplies from places such as Sur La Table, Williams Sonoma, and Wasserstrom.  

2)As far as oils, I do keep a stop of extra virgin olive oil on hand; but also keep on hand a variety of other oils.  Depending on the use of the herb, will depend on which oil I will use.  Sometimes that decision is based on a magickal application.  

Almond oil can be used to attract money and good luck.

Apricot oil can be used in love potions to bind the lovers.

Coconut can be used for luck.

Grapeseed oil for magick and fertility.

Olive oil can be used in fidelity, love, peace, general applications.

Safflower can be used in hex magick and to attract sexual encounters.

Jojoba oil can be used generically as it has no known magickal properties that I am aware.

As far as decoctions and infusions, the longer the herbs are steeped/brewed the stronger the "tea" will be.  For medicinal uses, use the weakest "tea" possible to reduce any side effects (yes, herbs can cause side effects in some conditions and will react with some medications-check with your health care professional and review an herbal PDR.)

The study of herbs is a lifetime study. There are always new discoveries.  For those you just beginning with herbs, pick 10 herbs that speak to you and are common and learn all you can about it: properties, how it is used, how you feel when using the herb, magickal properties, how it reacts with other herbs, medicines, in magick, etc. and document that information.  Many herbs can be used for many different applications: culinary, medicines, magick, arts & crafts, etc.

Until Next Time!

Blessed Be,

Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Lesson 18-Herbalism

The biggest thing that brought me to Paganism/Wicca is alternative healing through herbalism and crystal healing.  I had been on many different medications and dealing with all sorts of side effects.  Through the use of herbs and crystals I found them to be magickal and began to study them in that context.  While I had used herbs for some applications like menstrual cramps and upset stomach, I did not until I became quite ill and nothing worked that I began to delve into the study of herbalism.  That was seven years ago.  I have been working on a Master Herbalist Certification for quite some time. 
Here is a list of some of the books that I refer to in my library (I hope this list helps):

1.       Wisdom of the Plant Devas, Thea Summer Deer, Bear & Co., 2011.

2.       Herbal Medicine and Spirit Healing the Wise Woman Way, Susun Weed.

3.       Peterson's Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs. Steven Foster and James A. duke, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000.

4.       A Modern Herbal, Margaret Grieve, Dover Publication, 1971.

5.       A Compendium of Herbal Magick, Paul Beryl, Phoneix Publishing, 1998.

6.       The Cherokee Herbal, J.T. Garrett, Bear & Company, 2003.

7. Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Way, Susun Weed,  Ash Tree, 1992.
I have many others.
While we use a derivative from herbs to make modern medicines (of which I am on several because of a heart condition); I do believe that many of the side effects that we experience from medicines is because when drugs are made, only a portion of the DNA from the plant is used.  It is not used holistically or synergistically.  Scientists have not figured out how all of the plant's DNA work together, so leaving one important piece impacts the drugs effectiveness; hence causing those pesky side effects. Just my opinion from studying how medicines are created and allopathic (treating the symptoms) and holistic practices (treating the whole body, mind, and spirit and determining where the dis-ease is coming from).
As far as magically, I use lavendar for calming and healing; frankincense and myrrh in cleansing and as my temple/ritual incense; espand in warding away negativity and was given as a gift from a Persian friend of mine (used frequently in her culture and taught to her by her mother.) I give an offering of catnip to the Goddess Bast (and my Midnight loves it too!)
I also herbs in household products.  Lemon is great in vinegar for cleaning and as an antibacterial to clean countertops; garlic, cayenne, vinegar, and dish soap is great as a insect pesticide. 
I love herbs and try to use them everyday; their applications are endless!
Until next lesson, Blessed Be!
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path 

Lesson 20-Consecrating Tools

First of all, I will say I definitely agree with with the comments that Satanists are not Pagans as we do not even believe in Satan to begin with.  I also say when I discuss Satanism with people that he is a Christian deity.  I view Satanists personally as those rebellious against Christianity.  As far as Judaism, I would not agree with it being considered Pagan.  It is, however, considered one of the Abrahamic religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.  All of which originated (if one follows the Old Testament accounts) originated from Noah's sons, Shem, Ham, and Japeth (don't think I spelled that right).  It has been awhile since I have studied the origination of the Abrahamic religions so I do not remember which son began the line for each religion.  But they all are monotheistic religions.
As far as Consecrating tools, the latest tool that my Coven consecrated was a sword.  See below for that part of the ritual.


(Priestess and Priest) God and Goddess, Lord and Lady, we present this Sword for your approval as it was fashioned from the material's of nature; wrought in the form you now see. We would that it serve us well as a tool and weapon in our service to the Craft. Priestess will dip finger in saltwater and sprinkle over sword. Priest will take incense and wave over sword. May the sacred water and holy incense drive out the impurities of this sword, that it be pure and cleansed, ready to serve us and our Gods in the way we desire. So mote it be.

(The entire coven will grasp the blade and send their energy into the sword.)We charge this sword with the wisdom of the God and Goddess; may it serve us well keeping us from harm and acting in their service in all things.  So mote it be!


Until next Lesson, Blessed Be!


Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow (aka HPS RavenMoon)

Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/

Coven of the Three-Fold Path


Monday, July 29, 2013

Lesson 13-Mythology

I have always believed that the stories of the various cultures all over the world are for the teaching of morals, for spiritual application, how we should live day-to-day life, how we are created, and where we go after we die. These stories, for all intents and purposes, are very similar, but names of the those in the stories are changed, the locations are varied, but the end "teaching" is inevitably the same. Look at the stories of the Great Flood.  The Bible has one, the Masai have one, the Altaic people, the Fijian people, the Kathlamets to name a few stories were that the flood waters came and the people either built a boat/ark or got into a boat and were saved from the flood waters . (  Those who did not, perished and everything else was destroyed.  Many of these a bird symbolized that the people could come back onto land.  They would then begin to live and populate the lands once more. 
For this lesson, I chose the Hopi myth of "Son of Light Kills the Monster" from the book "American Indian Myths and Legends" selected by Richard Erdoes and Alfonso Ortiz.  In this story, the monster Man-Eagle, an ugly, frightful monsters seizes women, girls, wives, and maidens and takes them to his home above the clouds to torture them for four days before he eats them.  One of the victims was the wife of Son of Light. He decides he is to go and rescue her.  Along his journey to rescue his wife, he meets up with the Pinon maidens, Spider Woman, and Mole.   They asked him where he was going and he told them he was going to rescue his wife.  Spider Woman told him that she would help him, but he must do what she tells him.  Mole nests in his hair and Spider Woman becomes a small spider and rides on his ear and tells him in his ear what to do.  They use the aid of three different birds of prey: a spotted Eagle, a hawk, and a red hawk to carry them to Man-Eagle's home. 
Son of Light sneeks into the house while Man-Eagle is sleeping; but Man-Eagle wakes as Son of Light is going to rescue his wife.  Man-Eagle challenges Son of Light and says that if he, Man-Eagle wins he gets to kill Son of Light and makes Son of Light's wife his. If Son of Light wins he may take his wife and go.  Man-Eagle challenges Son of Light to four challenges; all of which Spider Woman and Mole assist Son of Light so that he can win.  The last challenge involved Man-Eagle putting on a fireproof magic flint-arrowhead shirt of which actually was switched by Spider Woman.  The shirt that Man-Eagle put on was made of a resin.  Son of Light's wife was to ignite them.  Son of Light's shirt was coated with ice that melted and extinguished the fire; Man-Eagles ignited and burnt him to ash. 
Now Spider Woman told Son of Light to take her medicine into his mouth and then spurt it all over Man-Eagle's ashes.  Man-Eagle then arose from the ashes into a handsome man.  Spider Woman asked him if he had learned his lesson and if he would stop killing and eating people. If he would stop stealing women and abusing them.  He promised he would never do such a thing again.   Spider Woman also brought back to life all the people that Man-Eagle had killed.   Everyone was taken back to their homes on the backs of the birds of prey that had brought Son of Light to Man-Eagle's home.
The hero in this story is Son of Light who goes to rescue his stolen wife from Man-Eagle.  He goes through all of the challenges imposed upon him to win her back from the grasp of the evil Man-Eagle.  The Goddess or Divine in this story who is sympathetic to man, takes care of the natural cycles of life and death, and judges those works performed is Spider Woman.  The Elementals are represented through Mole and the Pinon sisters who assist Son of Light in rescuing his wife through their use of trickery against Man-Eagle during the time of challenge. For without the assistance and reliance on the Divine, Son of Light would not have succeeded and would not have killed the evil Man-Eagle.  But Spider Woman, having control over life and death, gave Man-Eagle another chance at life and he was incarnated into a handsome man and given a chance of renewed life.  She also incarnated those he had killed. 
I take this lesson to teach us that our successes often come about because of the assistance of others, whether Divine, Elemental, human, or animal.  We must always remember those who do assist us.  It also teaches us that we should give others a chance to change and help them transform. The Divine transforms us through allowing us to reincarnate into another life.  We are often, even in the current incarnation, to transform ourselves over and over again.  I know personally, the Gods have allowed me to transform and remake myself over and over.  One of these days I will get it right!
Until next time, Bright Blessings!
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path

Lesson 7-Dowsing Charts: Part II

Finally was able to get my supplies to make my charts.  I am experienced with Dowsing (and the pendulum that I work with) , I just do not usually use the charts.  


I asked my pendulum the following questions. (Answers given by pendulum are in CAPS following the questions-they were all right.)

What was the weather the night my grandson Timmy was born? SNOW.  We had blizzard-like conditions and a power outage.

What was the weather like the day my husband and I were married? ENOUGH BLUE SKY TO MAKE A T-SHIRT.

What was the weather like this past Saturday morning? RAIN.  It rained enough that the ground was soft enough for us to have to move the wedding we were officiating indoors that evening.


Where in the world do I live?  It swayed back and forth over the USA. I did not get real specific.


Tell me my street number.  It swayed over the general area of the number chart and then I asked it specifically the numbers for the range of the "slice" of the numbers.  It gave my street number.  This one did take a while.


Am I a Capricorn? YES.

Is my husband a Pisces? NO.

I did ask other personal questions for which I will not post here.

The most difficult part of this assignment was just doing the measuring for the charts.  I ended up using a protractor to assist.

Dowsing, in my opinion, is the easiest form of divination and the easiest to pick up on.  Or maybe it is just hereditary.  My father is a water dowser.


Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lesson 12- More About the Holidays

Hello Once Again--
My comments regarding the Lesson:
1)I find that the Esbats are more of a time of reflection and that Sabbats are more of celebration and honor of life itself. 
2)One thing that I learned from my family regarding the moon is that you plant by the moon.  Above ground plants are always to be planted on the waxing moon or Full and root or below ground plants should be planted during the waning or New Moon. I personally try to pay attention to what phase the moon is in if I am going to plant anything. Besides that I bless the Garden every year with a Garden Blessing Ritual, I also plant by the phase of the moon.  To this end, it has always been effective and my garden flourishes.
4)I also find that when I am in balance, my female cycles are also in rhthym with the moon.  At the waning moon, I begin to menstruate until that time of my cycle is completed.  When I am out of balance, I notice that my cycles are off and usually I do not feel up to par.
5)Some additional notes/names of the Full Moon's are as follows:
January: Moon of Vanities, Old Moon, Ice Moon
February: Moon of Renewal
March:  Harmony Moon, Wishing Moon, Crust Moon, Death Moon
April:  Moon of Reinvention, Pink Moon, Awakening Moon, Egg Moon
May:  Shadows, Milk, Grass
June:  Purple, Rose, Dyan, Strawberry, Flower
July:  Venture, Buck, Rose, Hay, Thunder (boy have we had some of this, "Hail Thunor"!)
August:  Spirit, Sturgeon, Lightening, Grain, Dog Days
September:  Nothing to add new
October:  Artful Moon
November:  Futures, Beaver, Tree
December:  Sage, Cold (duh!) Moon
6)As far as esbats and sabbats, we need both to maintain balance.  Esbasts are associated with the feminine, the moon, dark, night; Sabbats are associated with the masculine, the sun, light, day.  We cannot have one without the other.
7)How I celebrate the Sabbats:
a)Samhain-This is the most sacred time of the year.  This is my time of celebration and I relish in all the festiveness by dressing up for parties and for our ritual(s).  We host a ritual/Samhain (Halloween) party and dress up, play games, honor our dead.  We take time to prepare for the upcoming winter.  This year, our Coven is hosting a Samhain Celebration at a lodge and opening it to the public.  We will have chili with all the fixins and seasonal pies; have a ritual to honor our ancestors; raffle/fundraiser to raise items/funds for Operation Circle Care for our pagan soldiers. I personally love to decorate my home in those amazing fall colors and use those delicious fall scents of autumn leaves, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie.
b)Yule-I usually participate or host a ritual in which we recognize that Winter is upon us and that it is a time of inward reflections of what we have accomplished over the past year and to take the time to rest.
c)Imbolg-We start thinking about spring and renewal.  We may host a celebration or meetup for this time of year.  Usually fairly low key.
d)Ostara-Usually see the first stirrings of spring and perform rituals that celebrate and prepare us for fertilizing our hopes and dreams.
e)Beltaine-This is the second public sabbat we do every year.  It includes working with another pagan group and focuses on the action of fertilizing our hopes and dreams.  Last year there was the Maypole dance, the ritual with a May King and May Queen, a raffle to raise funds for school supplies for needy children, and tarot readings to raise funds for the charity as well.  The year before we camped in addition to the celebration.
f)Litha--This past year we held ritual to honor the masculine aspect of Divinity and maleness in general.  In Wicca, we often place so much focus on the Goddess, that we do not honor our Consorts.  A good time was had by all!  We also recognized that this is the time of strength in masculinity and the Power of the Sun (Sol); the apex, the warmest time of the year; and time for all those outside activities. 
g)Lughnassadh--Pretty much the first harvest; also a time to display and sell crafts. For some other interesting information go to  We typically go to the Dublin Irish Festival where there is a Druid Rite which is one of several religious services going on for the Sunday morning services.  We view all the harvest and craft items and select some to make our very own. 
h)Mabon--This year we will celebrate by completing a two-part ritual that was begun at Ostara.  At Ostara, we had a ritual to prepare and begin to bring to fruition what we wanted to see in our lives over the next few months.  Mabon this year, will be the completion of that ritual to see if we have reaped the fruits of those seeds planted.
As far the Esbats, our celebrations are based on what I see as HPS of the Coven is needed so that each person grows spiritually with the Gods and Goddesses.
Until the next lesson,
Blessed Be,
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow (HPS RavenMoon)
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of The Three-Fold Path

Lesson 11-Holidays Part II

Good Evening All--
Points for this lesson:
1)The link for the NORTHERN LIGHTS SEARCH ENGINE is no longer available-defunct.
2)If you would like to locate the article about THE DEATH OF LLEW you can find it at this link:
In reading this article, I personally thought about the solstices as a time of birth and the equinoxes as a time of death.  But if one thinks about it, it makes perfect sense.  The solstice is representing something that is beginning: the Summer Solstice is the beginning of Summer, of the warm months; the Winter Solstice is the beginning fo Winter, of the cold months. Also, the word "solstice" refers to the sun, "sol".
The equinox represents a time of death.  So, the Autumn Equinox represents the death of Summer; the Spring Equinox represents the death of Winter.  Both of these days represent that the light and dark of the day are at equal lengths (equi); the part that refers to night (nox) is representative of death, the dark part of the soul, of diminishing, etc.
As far as Llew and Goronwy, Lugh and Balor, the Oak King and the Holly King, it is representative of the battle of the seasons or representation of the cycle of life, death, rebirth, and death once more.  These stories try to explain what is happening at various times of the year and the seasons. 
3) is no longer a valid address.
My Coven and I personally try to honor all the Sabbats.  Ostara is seen as a time to focus on birth/rebirth of new ideas, to begin to sow the seeds to prepare for fertilization in the future. Really a time to get your "house in order" before the fertility rites (the activities that bring to fruition the desired results).  Beltaine is a time to actually fertilize those desires.  Litha, we should be seeing a ripening of what was fertilized during Beltaine. At Lughnassdad, we should be starting to see our efforts begin to birth and begin to harvest some of what was planted. At Mabon, most of the harvest should be complete.  Samhain, we should finalize our harvest and prepare/store up for the winter and hard times.
Until next time,
Blessed Be!
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow (HPS RavenMoon)
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path

Monday, July 15, 2013


Each of the Sabbats hold a festive feel for me. The two most sacred to me are Samhain and Beltaine.
Samhain is my most favorite of the Sabbats.  I love the colors (those brilliant fall colors), the smells (cinnamon, pumpkin pie), the laughter of the children (and the adults too) dressing up in costume, and all the decorations (both fun and scary).  But I also hold it sacred and honor my ancestors.  We take a time to reflect on those recently deceased and to remember those who have been gone some time.  We also start prepping for the winter and our time of "hibernation".  We hold public ritual for the community and look forward to the fellowship with other Pagans in the community. At this time we raise funds for a charity we have selected for the season.  This year it is Operation Circle Care.
Imbolc is fairly low key and I look to taking my Yuletide decor down if I have not already.  We celebrate that winter is soon to be over.  We have a tradition to always have a Brigid fire.  We look for the first signs of spring.  Here in Ohio, it gets a little crazy.  Sometimes, it looks like we are going to start to have an early spring; others winter just seems to have a hold with no sign of spring whatsoever.  Workings usually focus on rebirth.
Beltaine is another favorite.  We have a blast and celebrate a time of fertilizing our hopes and dreams (and yes, some on making babies).  We usually have a public ritual for beltaine as well and act out the May King and May Queen rites with dance and festivities.  And of course, decorating the Maypole.  What a blast! Sometimes we camp overnight.  We hold a raffle and raise monies for local charities to give back to the community.
Lugnassad is another time of celebration.  We usually celebrate by going to the Dublin Irish Festival for the Lugnassad Rite during the Religious Services time on Sunday morning.  There are several different service going on to include a Catholic Mass, Traditional Christian, and Modern Christian.  There was so much work trying to get a Pagan organization into the Dublin Irish Festival that many of us go regardless of what tradition we practice just to show our support so that we can have Pagan groups represented as far as our religion and spirituality.  We take food items to donate which goes back to the community.  I love the atmosphere and since I am of Celtic descent (Irish and German) and my husband is of Irish and Scottish descent, it is a way for us to celebrate our heritage.
Until next time,
Blessed Be!
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow (aka HPS RavenMoon)
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/Coven of the Three-Fold Path

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Lesson 9-Reincarnation

Sorry, little behind on some of my studies.  Between working, illness, and trying to maintain my ministry/coven, just been slightly a little overwhelmed.  Anyway, just a few comments.
1)There are some links within the lesson that are not working.  I always look at any references or links if I can access them. The only one working in the lesson is :
2)My understanding of death in the Egyptian Pantheon is like this:  After one dies, their works are measured and weighed (Weighing of the Heart). If the heart was shown to be in balance, then you would enjoy the afterlife with the Gods. Those works that are bad/evil/not worthy are eaten by the Devourer and based upon this would determine the soul's end.  I do have a copy of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, but unfortunately, have not had opportunity to read and study it. 
3)Native Americans follow a tradition known as the "Red Road". I have a friend who was adopted into the Native American tradition and follows this path.  He does have Native American ancestry.  He is both a drummer and dancer and these positions are not taken lightly.  They are sacred.  As far as the afterlife, this is not a topic that I have discussed with my friend, but will for future reference.  Here is a link for those interested in Native American or First Nations people view on death:
4)My personal belief on Reincarnation is that when we die, we do go to the Summerlands or to Valhalla. It is here that we we review our life and the lessons that we learned.  From there we take a rest and then decide if we are going to return for a new incarnation.  I do know that I am an old soul.  I have done some past life regression and there are things that I do remember that I cannot explain in this life.  I also believe that many of the souls that return into a carnation come in family groups (or find each other in this life).  There are people that are in my life now that I feel that I have always known them (even though in this incarnation I have only known them a short while).   My husband and I know we have been together in previous lives as lovers in one and as siblings in another.
Well, until next time,
Blessed Be,
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
(aka HPS RavenMoon)
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of The Three-Fold Path

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lesson 8

When I first came to Wicca many years ago, I came to it through the study and use of herbs and crystals because I had been so ill for quite some time and no medication, surgery, or therapy seemed to resolve how I felt. I discovered metaphysical energy through alternative healing methods and by the use of crystals and herbs (everything having this bioelectrical energy that could be utilized methaphysically).  I learned to meditate and I learned this very technique you have instructed in the "baby exercises".  I was amazed at the warmth and comfort I felt. 
As studied further and discovered that I had been doing some of this healing by "laying on of hands" for many years and instinctually.  My grandmother had this gift as well and was known as the "granny lady" that people would come to for miles around (she was Pennsylvania Dutch and practiced "Powwow"-not Indian powwow). This gift had been passed to me.  It has been amazing that some of the things that I had learned growing up or felt or knew actually had a name. 
I recently held a tea and healing ritual for a small group of people.  We set up our altar and conducted our ritual.  We felt very powerful energy during this time.  We left the altar when we were finished and while we were having our tea inside, we noticed a great deal of smoke coming from the direction of the altar.  Everything had been destroyed.  Now, my husband likes to look at things soooo scientifically; I look at it from a metaphysical perspective.  The fact that most of our candles, altar cloth, and the table were destroyed tells me that the battle was fought at the altar.  One of the women in my coven was doing ritual work for a healing for a grand child; I was doing ritual healing work for my heart condition; another was doing some in-depth searching for some healing emotionally and mentally.  Within a few days we receive answers-the grandchild was healing by leaps and bounds; I received word that my heart was healing very well after having my heart attack; and the other had some answers to some issues that she was working on.  These issues were destroying the quality of our lives; but these issues were battled for us. One of the gals present is a Reiki Master and she told me the intense power she felt while we performed this ritual. (If anyone wants a copy of the ritual, please email and I will send.) 
You mention that you put Air in the North, I always put it in the east.  My reasoning is because the East and Air represent projection, intuition, and inspiration. 
One question: Do you see the Stars as also representing an aspect of Spirit?
Bright Blessings,
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow (HPS RavenMoon)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lesson 14

I find it very interesting the study of Gods and Goddesses and the fact that the characteristics of the Gods and Goddesses are the same; only the names have changed based on the locale. 
Celtic Herne-Greek Pan: Lords of the forest and creatures
Kwanyin-Bast: Both Goddesses of compassion.
Brigid-Hecate: Triple Goddesses.
I was a Christian for many years and one of the things that led me to believe that there were many Gods were the various names of God in the Bible.  Elohim is plural for God.  I first researched this years ago and when I came to understand that this was plural I began to research further. Jehova-jirah (Lord hath seen); Adonai (Father/Daddy); El-Shaddai (God Almighty); Sophia (feminine aspect meaning Wisdom). 
I would love to have the time to do an in depth study and cross-reference of the charasteristics of the Gods and Goddesses and the names associated with them! But time does not permit.
Blessings until next time!
Rev. Candy Lacey-Partlow (aka HPS RavenMoon)

Lesson 15

Here is my Ritual for my grandchildren:



* Set up the altar as usual, but avoid all sharp objects.

* Use milk and cookies/cupcakes  rather than wine and cakes.




 "Circle flow and circle grow,
as above, so below.
The circle is now sealed.
Let naught but good enter in.
Let naught but good exit out.





"Hail to  Thee ,  Guardians of the watchtower of the North,

the powers of Earth. 

Protectors of all green and growing things. 

Mother Earth, soul of nature.   

Great power of the receptive, of nurturance and endurance,

Power to grow and bring forth flowers of the field,

And fruits of the garden.

Join me now and bless these dear children.

So mote it be."



Hail to Thee, Guardians of the watchtower of the East,

The powers of the Air.

Invisible  spirit of the fresh, cool winds,

Father sky, vast and boundless

Your living breath animates all life

Yours is the power of clarity and strength

Power to hear the inner sounds, to sweep out the old patterns

And to bring change and challenge,

The ecstasy of movement and the dance.

Join me now and bless these dear children.

So mote it be."


"Hail to Thee, Guardians of the watchtower of the South,

The powers of Fire.

Radiance of the setting sun, the edge of twilight

Father fire, of the sun, life-energy

Power of the vital spark and imagination

Power to purify the senses, the heart, and the minds.

Join me now and bless these dear children.

So mote it be."



"Hail to Thee Guardians of the watchtower of the West,

The powers of Water.

Spirit of the great waters, of rain, rivers, lakes, and springs.

Mother Ocean , deep matrix, womb of all life.

Power to dissolve boundaries

Power to taste and to feel, to cleanse and to heal.

Join me now and bless these dear children.

So mote it be."




"Maiden, Warrior, Mother, Crone,

Join us here; watch o'er Your own. (Light Silver Candle)

Young Lord, Old Lord; Husband, Son,

Be with us to bless this one." (Light Gold Candle)













Bless the milk:  "As the athame is to the male,

                 So the Chalice is to the female.

                 And conjoined they be one in truth.

                 For there is no greater magic in all the world

                 Than that of a man and a woman (alt: "two people")

                 Joined in the bonds of love."



Bless the cakes: "These cakes are the fruition of the union

                 of our Lord and Lady.

                 Let all but the blessings of that union

                 Be cast out, that we may all

                 Share in Their bounty!"


HPS:  We are met in this Circle to ask the blessings of the Lord and Lady on Anthony Robert Miller/Timothy Virgil Miller III, sons of Angel and Timothy Miller.  May they grow in grace and strength, joy and wisdom.




HPS:  There are many Paths, and each must find their own.  Therefore, we do not seek to bind Anthony and Timothy to any one Path while they are still too young to choose.  Instead, we ask the Lord and Lady, who know *all* Paths, to bless, protect and prepare them through the years of their childhood. Then, when they are at last fully grown, they shall know, without a doubt, which Path is theirs, and shall tread it gladly. 


Tim, please bring Anthony forward that he may be blessed.


Angel, please bring Timothy forward that he may be blessed.


HPS:  Angel has chosen a Hidden name for Anthony and Timothy.  Angel, what Is Anthony's Hidden Name?


Angel:  (Hidden name)


HPS:  Angel, what is Timothy's Hidden Name?

Angel:  (Hidden name)


HPS:  Then in the silent senses of the Lord and Lady, they shall be known as  (Hidden name).


* Anoint forehead with oil (pentagram):

  "I anoint thee, Anthony/Timothy, with oil,

  and give thee the Hidden Name, (Hidden name)."


* Anoint forehead with wine/juice/milk:

  "I anoint thee, (Hidden name), with wine,

  In the name of the Lord."

  (Whisper private name of the God into baby's ear).


* Anoint forehead with water:

  "I anoint thee, (Hidden name), with water,

  In the name of the Lady."

  (Whisper private name of the Goddess into the baby's ear).


* Touch the baby's crown, and say:

  "You are named Anthony/Timothy, also (Hidden name).

  And I dedicate you to a life of peace and love.


* Touch baby's "third eye":

  "...That you may see your way clearly."


* Touch baby's throat:

  "...that you may speak the truth."


* Touch baby's heart:

  "...that your heart always be open."


* Touch baby's solar plexus:

  "...that your Will and Strength be strong."



* Touch baby's belly:

  "...that your sexuality be joyful and loving."


* Touch baby's vagina (penis):

  "...that you be a gateway (progenitor) of lives and creations to come."


* Touch baby's hands:

  "...that you may always do the Lord and Lady's work,

  no matter how you see or worship Them."


* Touch baby's feet:

  "...that you always walk the Path you're called to."


* Touch baby's crown:

  "Bless this child, who is a tiny Goddess...

  Bless him, protect him, and give him a joyful life!"


(Holding baby and facing North)

"Hail Guardians of the North,

I bring before you (baby's hidden name),

who has been blessed within this circle. 

In the perfect love of the Lord and Lady,

I seek your gifts for this child. 

Within the child shall be a stable and firm base

From which to build security and serenity,

Affinity with all things that grow

Knowledge of Earth's love for her child.

We shall teach the child to seek your gifts."


(Turn baby to the East)

"Hail Guardians of the East,

I bring before you (baby's Hidden name)

who has been blessed within this circle.

In the perfect love of the Lord and Lady. 

I seek your gifts for this child. 

Within the child shall be fresh new beginnings

From each touch of your gentle  breeze.

Communication of the mind, heart, and soul.

Knowledge of his parents. Love. 

We shall teach the child to seek your gifts."


(Turn baby to the South)

"Hail Guardians of the South,

 I bring before you (Baby's Hidden name),

 who has been blessed within this circle.

 In the Perfect love of the Lord and Lady,

I seek your gifts for this child.

Within the child shall be energy of spirit and passion well spent.

From embers carefully tended in a loving home.

A heart that shares great warmth

Courage to pursue what he seeks.

We shall teach the child to seek your gifts."


(Turn baby to West)

"Hail Guardians of the West,

I bring before your (baby's Hidden name)

who has been blessed within this circle.

In the perfect love of the Lord and Lady,

I seek your gifts for this child.

Within the child be understanding

From quick brooks and deep lakes of his emotions

A willingness to face and know the silence within himself.

The curiosity of spirit to walk upon a wise path

We shall teach the child to seek your gifts."


(Return to altar)


Light the anointed candle for each child.


HPS:  "Mighty God bestow upon this child the gift of strength.

Gentle Goddess, bestow upon this child the gift of beauty.

Mighty God bestow upon this child the gift of wisdom.

Gentle Goddess bestow upon this child the gift of love.


HPS:  In the story of Sleeping Beauty, the good fairies all blessed the baby with a special gift.  I now ask that you each bestow Anthony and Timothy with a personal blessing.  Anthony/Timothy, I bestow upon you the gift of love.

(Kiss baby's head, then walk to Father, who says blessing, then to Mother, etc. through all guests present.)


HPS:  Are there any here who would stand as Godparent/s to Anthony/Timothy?


* Godparents step forward:  "I/We would."


HPS:  Do you, Rose, promise to be a friend to Anthony/Timothy through their childhood; to aid and guide as needed; and

in concord with their parents, to watch over them and love them as if they were of your own blood; until, by the grace of the Lord and Lady, they are ready to choose their own Paths?


Godparents (one at a time):  I, Rose, do so promise.


HPS:  The Lord and Lady have blessed them;

      We, their friends and family have welcomed them;

      Therefore, Oh Circle of Stars,

      Shine in peace on Anthony and Timothy,

      Whose Hidden names are (Hidden name).

      So mote it be!


HPS:  Each child has been given a stone representing the Guardians and elements of Earth as a reminder of their dedication to the Lord and Lady and for them to follow their spiritual Path.


The feather represents the Guardians and Elements of Air.


The shell represents the Guardians and Elements of Water.


The red candle represents the Guardians and Elements of Fire.


(Thank the Lord and Lady for their presence)

(Dismiss the Guardians)


(Close circle and celebrate)

Circle wane and circle stop,
up from the bottom.
Down from the top.
The circle is open, but never broken.
Always it remains.


Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow (aka HPS RavenMoon)