Online study course about Wicca

This blog discusses aspects of the Master of Wiccan Studies course offered through the ULC Seminary.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lesson 2

It was interesting that the course chose to speak about personal responsibility and to make that a learning priority. It sounds simplistic but when I came out of the Christian mindset, it was hard, and continues to be hard to separate your need for God to do everything for you. The idea that we should be responsible for ourselves and can use our own magick is very different. Don't get me wrong, I still work with the God and Goddess, but I think a Witch needs to be empowered to be responsible for their actions. This is the first Wiccan course or book that I have seen to insist on this importance. Blessed Be. Raincloud.

1 comment:

  1. Raincloud:

    This is a concept that I found when I came to Wicca several years ago with the Three-fold Law. When I think about what I send out comes back to me more intense than what I had originally sent, it makes me think before I act. What are the consequences for my actions? This makes us be more responsible for our actions.

    In the church it seemed that people would often act and then think that the would not be held accountable-just ask for forgiveness and all will be well. I often thought, but what about the consequences for your actions? What makes you think that if you "just pray about it" that the consequences would be non-existent? That thought is furthest from the truth.

    I do work with my Deity, but like you, I also take responsibilty for my actions.

    Blessed Be,

    Rev. Candy Lacey-Partlow (aka:Raven Moon)
