Online study course about Wicca

This blog discusses aspects of the Master of Wiccan Studies course offered through the ULC Seminary.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Final Essay - Master of Wiccan Studies

Master of Wiccan Studies
Final Essay
July 3, 2012
     I came into this discourse with a limited knowledge and understanding of the Wiccan practices, I left with information overload!  Devon and Lord Starwalker gives us an impressive overview of all basic aspects of the Wiccan lifestyle, the reasons for the rituals and the holidays which they celebrate and honor.  Starting with the history, which has been ongoing for many hundreds of years and their beliefs handed down throughout the generations.  This first lesson gives a point of reference to how and why this group came to be and the importance of the rituals they practice.  The responsibility for the magick performed is placed on the performer and is taken seriously and respectfully.
     The tools of the practice are simple, but again taken seriously, using your own positive energy to bring them in alignment with the highest good for each use.  The list given is quite extensive with an excellent explanation of each:  Athames, candles, incense, salt, water, Chalice, Ritual Book, Book of Shadows, Pentacles, sword.  Most of these tools are handed down to the next generational leaders or cult group.  Another section dealt with the use of the pendulum, dowsing rods and using Bio-electric energy.

     I especially enjoyed the area of holidays and how to celebrate the changing of the seasons.   As Mother Earth revolves around the four seasons, I love the fact of honoring her for this precious gift of change.  The Equinox's show us the full potential of the power of God.  Each seasonal change gives me a chance to start anew, fresh start with a beginning point for advanced growth.

     There are a few chapters on rituals, which did not strike a cord with me and my present belief system.  I recognize and honor the choices of others; they have some belief which is much better than no beliefs.  It just seems to me a lot of preparation and 'work' to get to a place that is much simpler to attain with prayer and meditation.  Religion and religious practices all seem to get us into a ritual frame of mind to keep our attention on the structure of the church.  Focusing on the ritual and that it is done correctly instead of the point that the Higher Power is a touchable and commutative Being to each of us.  Is it the ritual that unites us within the clan?  Is it the ritual that unites us with the Higher Power that we seek?  I truly see that there is Only One – given any name or label you wish.  With sincere love and adoration my God is with me each moment within and without external guidance.

     My overall comments on this discourse are positive.  Thank you, Devon and Lord Starwalker for a brilliant, well written and researched discourse.  I appreciate your insights and references.  The entire class came together with enlightenment on a 'mysterious' religion that I knew little about and is not that scary fiction that is sometimes represented.
Rev. Constance J. Hitts


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