Online study course about Wicca

This blog discusses aspects of the Master of Wiccan Studies course offered through the ULC Seminary.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lesson 11-Holidays Part II

Good Evening All--
Points for this lesson:
1)The link for the NORTHERN LIGHTS SEARCH ENGINE is no longer available-defunct.
2)If you would like to locate the article about THE DEATH OF LLEW you can find it at this link:
In reading this article, I personally thought about the solstices as a time of birth and the equinoxes as a time of death.  But if one thinks about it, it makes perfect sense.  The solstice is representing something that is beginning: the Summer Solstice is the beginning of Summer, of the warm months; the Winter Solstice is the beginning fo Winter, of the cold months. Also, the word "solstice" refers to the sun, "sol".
The equinox represents a time of death.  So, the Autumn Equinox represents the death of Summer; the Spring Equinox represents the death of Winter.  Both of these days represent that the light and dark of the day are at equal lengths (equi); the part that refers to night (nox) is representative of death, the dark part of the soul, of diminishing, etc.
As far as Llew and Goronwy, Lugh and Balor, the Oak King and the Holly King, it is representative of the battle of the seasons or representation of the cycle of life, death, rebirth, and death once more.  These stories try to explain what is happening at various times of the year and the seasons. 
3) is no longer a valid address.
My Coven and I personally try to honor all the Sabbats.  Ostara is seen as a time to focus on birth/rebirth of new ideas, to begin to sow the seeds to prepare for fertilization in the future. Really a time to get your "house in order" before the fertility rites (the activities that bring to fruition the desired results).  Beltaine is a time to actually fertilize those desires.  Litha, we should be seeing a ripening of what was fertilized during Beltaine. At Lughnassdad, we should be starting to see our efforts begin to birth and begin to harvest some of what was planted. At Mabon, most of the harvest should be complete.  Samhain, we should finalize our harvest and prepare/store up for the winter and hard times.
Until next time,
Blessed Be!
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow (HPS RavenMoon)
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path

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