Online study course about Wicca

This blog discusses aspects of the Master of Wiccan Studies course offered through the ULC Seminary.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lesson 10: Holidays Answers for Master of Wiccan Studies

Okay, I know this is almost late(more like last minute, but yeah) but here are my answers for Lesson 10: Holidays of the Master of Wiccan Studies course. (:

As an average American I always celebrated this as Hallow'een and felt it was a connection between me and dead or whatever other mystical stuff was out there. My teachers in church tried to teach us it was an evil holiday but I would have none of that and went trick or treating anyway. (:

Today, however, it usually feels like something is accumulating and that I'm waiting for something big to happen. That's just my interpretation, is all. 

I love this holiday. I could care less if it were Christmas, Hannukah or whatever. This holiday, regardless of the cold, has always been one of my favourites It makes me feel good that families get together, regardless of stress or drama in their lives, and try to make peace with each other. Not a big fan of winter but it gives us an excuse to stay indoors and around each other, nonetheless. I love decorating my altar with a miniature yule tree and other stuff around the house. It just feels like such a homey, warm, loving holiday. 

My very first public ritual was an Imbolc one. This one always makes me excited for spring. There isn't much else I can put to it. It comes around whenever I'm getting bored with winter and it gives me a chance to look forward to the changes in the season.

I love seeing the new flowers and puddles on the ground, be it in the dirt or in the road, resulting from the last snowfall. It's the end of winter! ;D I never understood what the eggs, chickens and rabbits meant for this holiday until I started studying Wicca for the first time at 19 years old. I feel a bit special about this one because it was the first Sabbat I'd ever learned about and could appreciate.

This one is awesome because it's right around my birthday. I feel like a little kid running around outside in circles so happy for spring to be here. This holiday makes me feel a little calmer and less timid. Also, I feel like I've gained more maturity. I'm not sure if it's from the holiday or me being a year older.. Mayhaps it's a mix of both. I don't know. (:

This Sabbat makes me feel tall. Kind of like how the sun and weather reaches its peak through the year? I feel powerful and tall.

We always have awesome potlucks through Lughnasagh and Litha. This holiday makes me feel like an old person being playful. Maybe not as strong as I was before but just as rambunctious. ;D

Yes! The heat is settling down and I can finally appreciate the benefits of autumn! Mabon is a lot more relaxed than the summer Sabbats. I feel like I'm taking a break from all the big fits of energy. 

But yeah, those are my holidays. If I mailed them to the wrong address could you please let me know so I can post this elsewhere? (:

♥ Rev. Ashley Andrus 

The Strength Within Ministries
Healing Hearts, One Person at a Time

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