Thank you Lord Starwalker and Amy for all your work. This course was well written. It was very interesting and informative to me. Even though I’m a Christian, I’ve found it enlightening to take different courses on different types of religion. Just before this course I took the one on Buddhism. Taking these courses will make my walk as a minister better.
I have a couple of close friends who are
wiccans. Before this course we talked about their beliefs and some of their rituals. We talked about their views of their God and Goddess. This course gave me a much better understanding of them and their ways.After taking the Wicca course, I realized I basically knew almost nothing about Wiccans.
This course covered may areas, such as: history, philosophy, holidays, mythology, theology and rituals. The part on dowsing was especially interesting to me, since it brought back childhood memories. My grandparents owned a ranch and whenever they wanted to dig for water they would use dowsing. Using two sticks about three feet long; they would hold them loosely straight out. When the sticks crossed each other, they usually found water when they dug. To me as a child it was magic. Another part of the course was the charts. I made all the charts and one of my friends made me a real nice pendulum. I practiced with it until I got good enough to ask questions I would trust the answers. It really worked! I still use the charts.
I read some great books about
Wiccans. Without this course I never would have gone to that section of the bookstore. One of my favorite authors was Scott Cunningham. Mr. Cunningham had several great books.
Another interesting phase in the Wicca course was on Bioelectric energy. It is the energy that every living thing has. It is what carries the instructions from our brain to our fingertips. This energy can be channeled externally. One assignment was to put one hand above the other (palm to palm). Close your eyes and think of a flow of light. After a few moments of concentration you should have felt some tingling or coldness or a hot sensation. If it didn’t work try again by rubbing your hands together in a circular motion, then proceed as written above. This is manipulating your field or aura. I was so fascinated I went to a lady who takes pictures of your aura. It was of my head and chest. She explained what all the colors and chakras meant in my picture. I got to keep the picture and the written explanation of the colors. This led me to read some books on auras and chakras. My favorite author on these was Anodea Judith.
I enjoyed this course very much and would definitely recommend it. Lord Starwalker explained it in such a way a novice like me could understand it. Even as a Christian you need other views to have a successful ministry. My favorite saying was from discourse 15. "May your right hand always be stretched in friendship, and never in want."
Blessings to you all,
Rev. Nancy Rutledge