Good Afternoon everyone!
I have been studying herbs diligently for seven years now and have been working off and on on a Master Herbalist Certification as well. Herbs are a passion of mine and also in part how I came to Wicca.
This study has provided a very good starting point for those who are new to herbalism, but I would like to offer some other points as well.
1)Herbs and tools if you cannot find locally such as Trader Joe's, Raisin Rack, or other health food store or metaphysical shop (keep in mind that not all herbs found in metaphysical shops are food grade if this is to be used on skin or ingested), I recommend the following:
Of course growing your own is best, but not always possible.
These places also offer some of the mortal & pestles, jars, droppers, etc. that you may want to purchase.
My Oil Business: (This site was recommended to me from an agent that I met who sells DoTerra oils (which is an excellent essential oil quality.)
Of course, I collect bottles from other people who bring them to me and I save from my purchases.
DO NOT use plastic bottles for your herbs as the chemicals in the plastic may leach into your herbal product.
Also, DO NOT use aluminum pots for your herbs as these can chemically react to the herbs that you are decocting or infusing. I use a stainless steel double boiler for many of my herbals. I also do use a cast iron pot for many of my herbals.
If you are going to use plastic spoons, use the mylar spoons for stirring, mixing, etc.
Measuring supplies can be found at any commercial kitchen supply store. You will be amazed at what you can find. I have been able to purchase some unique measuring supplies from places such as Sur La Table, Williams Sonoma, and Wasserstrom.
2)As far as oils, I do keep a stop of extra virgin olive oil on hand; but also keep on hand a variety of other oils. Depending on the use of the herb, will depend on which oil I will use. Sometimes that decision is based on a magickal application.
Almond oil can be used to attract money and good luck.
Apricot oil can be used in love potions to bind the lovers.
Coconut can be used for luck.
Grapeseed oil for magick and fertility.
Olive oil can be used in fidelity, love, peace, general applications.
Safflower can be used in hex magick and to attract sexual encounters.
Jojoba oil can be used generically as it has no known magickal properties that I am aware.
As far as decoctions and infusions, the longer the herbs are steeped/brewed the stronger the "tea" will be. For medicinal uses, use the weakest "tea" possible to reduce any side effects (yes, herbs can cause side effects in some conditions and will react with some medications-check with your health care professional and review an herbal PDR.)
The study of herbs is a lifetime study. There are always new discoveries. For those you just beginning with herbs, pick 10 herbs that speak to you and are common and learn all you can about it: properties, how it is used, how you feel when using the herb, magickal properties, how it reacts with other herbs, medicines, in magick, etc. and document that information. Many herbs can be used for many different applications: culinary, medicines, magick, arts & crafts, etc.
Until Next Time!
Blessed Be,
Rev. Candy S. Lacey-Partlow
Rose Oak Interfaith Ministries/
Coven of the Three-Fold Path